Say Goodbye to Risk Assessments You Can’t Use To Make Actionable Decisions


Rivial is different. More than a glorified gap analysis; our cybersecurity risk management platform empowers you with quantified insights into your cyber risks. This isn’t presented in vague terms, but in the language your Board members speak.

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Cybersecurity Risk Management in the Rivial Platform

Risk assessments that used to take an entire army of security experts can now be run by one person, in about 20 minutes per system.


Threat Assessments

Analyze and recognize potential external threats, internal risks, and emerging cyber threats that could exploit vulnerabilities within your organization's infrastructure.


Real-Time Monitoring

This isn’t something you run once a year. The Rivial platform is always working in the background to keep your organization safe and secure.


Show ROI

By utilizing our platform, you’ll be able to present hard numbers and dollar figures to key stakeholders. Speak in terms they understand and show them the ROI of mitigating risks before they become a bigger issue.


Prove It

Our platform goes beyond rudimentary ratings like “medium risk;” we provide statistics that show your organization exactly where you’re at risk and why.


Cyber Risk Quantification

Our platform goes beyond rudimentary ratings like “medium risk;” we provide statistics that show your organization exactly where you’re at risk and why.


Prioritize Risks

Our platform makes it simple to prioritize identified risks and remediation based on their potential impact to your organization's operations, data, and reputation.


Strategize Your Next Steps

Thanks to a single pane of glass offering insights into your risks, your team will be able to develop and recommend strategies to mitigate or manage the identified risks.


Stay Up-to-Date

Cybersecurity is dynamic, and risks evolve over time. That is why our platform delivers continuous monitoring — so you stay informed about emerging threats and vulnerabilities, allowing for proactive adjustments to security measures.

Risk Assessment Features in the Rivial Platform

With Rivial, you don’t need a big team to make a big dent in your risk.

By conducting a thorough risk assessment, you can understand your unique risk landscape, enabling you to make informed decisions to strengthen your cybersecurity posture and protect against potential cyber threats.

Our platform provides a comprehensive report outlining the findings of your risk assessment, including a detailed analysis of vulnerabilities, potential threats, and recommended mitigation strategies. This documentation serves as a valuable resource for decision-makers and stakeholders.

Tackle the biggest risks first. The Rivial platform makes it simple to prioritize identified risks, so you can ensure you solve the biggest threats facing your organization before anything else.

Make data-backed decisions, not guesses and hopes. Our platform shows you exactly what is a risk and why, so you can know the next steps to take in order to eliminate true cyber risks.

Always look at what’s happening now, not then. With a real-time risk assessment, automated alerts and reminders, and a powerful at-a-glance dash to keep you in the know and in control, you can be assured you’re working with the most up-to-date data possible.

Too busy? Not enough experienced staff? Not a problem! The Rivial team can handle your risk management for you — so you can get back to focusing on other IT-related tasks. In the platform, you’ll get full access to the Risk Module that allows you to:

  • Track Risk Changes
  • Review Dashboards
  • Auto Update Controls
  • Gather System Information
  • Offer Unlimited Training and Support
  • Have Unlimited Users

Our Record on Cybersecurity Risk Management Speaks for Itself

Through the Rivial platform it’s now easier to communicate important cybersecurity information to stakeholders who may not have an IT background. We are now able to demonstrate to the Board the estimated return on investment (ROI) of our security program by correlating cybersecurity spending with risk reduction.

Transform your cyber program with six seamless modules and unlimited possibilities

Our automated platform is the only end-to-end, single pane of glass cyber governance solution. Backed with unlimited training and support by a team of top notch security pros, Rivial gives you everything you need to reimagine your security program and revolutionize the way you work. Explore our modules to learn more about our platform or schedule a demo to get started now.

Rivial Offers a Single Place To Assess, Roadmap, Manage, Monitor, & Report Cybersecurity

Book time with our team and we’ll give you a personalized demo of the Rivial platform. When you’re ready to move forward, a Rivial consultant will walk through a system risk assessment with you and your team. An initial risk assessment is a fantastic way to see where you currently stand.

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